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Will Kashmiri Pandits Get Justice? #TheKashmirFiles #RightToJustice


Updated: Mar 20, 2022

It is 17th March 2022; 10:25 pm. I finished watching the great masterpiece designed by Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri “The Kashmir Files”. The ugly, brutal truth of “Mass Exodus/Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits” is portrayed live on celluloid by this filmmaker. It is not merely a film its a reality. A heart-wrenching eye-opener, a must-watch for every Indian. Do follow @vivekagnihotri on Twitter and join the movement #TheKashmirFiles #RightToJustice

Will Kashmiri Pandits Get The Justice? #TheKashmirFiles  #RightToJustice

The well-researched narrative has raised many questions in my mind, which started running like a horse to find the answers. The first and foremost question was “ What was I doing when such dreadful atrocities were happening to the Kashmiri Pandits in their own country (our India) in their own home, in Kashmir (the paradise on earth)?” Yes, I was quiet and working towards my education and shaping my career.

Why didn’t I raise my voice for them?

Yes, I am responsible and the culprit to not give my ear and attention to such an inhumane act that happened against lacs of Kashmiri Pandits (5 lacs or more) who were forced to leave their homes, their homeland, and all their belongings in their own country and compelled to live like refugees for over 30 years.

With folded hands, I want to apologize to every Kashmiri Pandit on behalf of every other Indian. I have made a promise to myself that I will involve myself in doing everything beyond my capacity to help Kashmiri Pandits in every attempt to rehabilitate them back in Kashmir with dignity and respect. I don’t know how will I do this, but where there is a will, there is a way.

Bigger questions are yet unanswered. Central and State Governments could have avoided this mass exodus and genocide, then why did they not act?

It seems this dark plan was scripted way before January 1990 for execution. Congress was in the center (with Late Rajiv Gandhi as the prime minister till 2nd December 1989).

Why, despite knowing the situation, the Central Government under the leadership of Late Rajiv Gandhi, who was the Prime minister was silent?

Was there a hidden pact between him (central leadership) and then the state chief minister (Farooq Abdullah)?

If we think logically and deeply, we can not rule out or ignore this possibility.

Then comes the role of Late V.P. Singh, who was prime minister of India, representing Janata Dal from 2nd December 1989 to 10th November 1990. Let’s not forget that the mass exodus/genocide of Kashmiri Pandits happened during his tenure as the prime minister. How could one forget or ignore 19th January 1990 (and then atrocities on Kashmiri Pandits continued for the coming months)?

What blows my mind is that, Then, Chief Minister of the state Farooq Abdullah resigned on 18th January 1990, and shockingly enough on the DARK DAY in the HISTORY of INDIA the 19th January 1990, the Kashmiri Pandits were killed en masse.

It is not a surprise that the governor’s rule came into effect on 20th January 1990. Giving 2 days of full free hands to the devils to do whatever they wanted to do. There was no law and order in the valley for these two days especially.

Was it pre-planned? This reminds me of a fiction movies series known as “PURGE”.

Yes, this was the purge of the Kashmiri pandits and Hindus and anyone else who did not agree to the ideologies of local militants who were hands in gloves with the local politicians from the Valley, as an attempt to break away the region from India and Yes, they were nearly successful to some extent.

The timing of all these incidents and the attitude of the prime minister of India (late V.P.Singh) and Home Minister of India (Mufti Mohammad Sayeed) points out the well-orchestrated genocide and exodus of Kashmiri Pandits. When I am mentioning Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, then let me remind you of the incidence of the freeing of terrorists in exchange for his kidnapped daughter Rubaiya Sayeed. Take this with a pinch of salt. That’s altogether is a different conspiracy story (fact). I would request Mr. Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri to make one more movie with all the facts on that conspiracy (against India).

Let's come back to Kashmiri Pandits now. When we are talking about the potential role of the ruling parties in the center and state of the whole conspiracy, then we have to blame both Congress and Janata Dal. When I say Janata Dal, then their supporter in the center (including BJP) was equally responsible. The supporters of the government (including BJP) could have exerted pressure on the center to control the situation and prevent the mass exodus/genocide of the Kashmiri Pandits. The fact which disturbs more is that the BJP leadership in 1990 focused more on Rath Yatra rather than fighting to get Justice for Kashmiri Pandits. Lord Ram would have been happier if those leaders could get the Ram Bhakt Kashmiri Pandits back to their homes in Kashmir and then go for Rath Yatra. After that many governments came but none of them show any intent to do Justice to Kashmiri Pandits. Their pain and agony is continuing for over 3 decades.

Our country under the leadership of prime minister Late Indira Gandhi fought the war of 1971 to liberate East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) from atrocities of West Pakistan (now Pakistan), could not save its citizens (the Kashmiri Pandits) from the massacre. This is ironic. This proves the hand-in-glove role of the center and state government in this conspiracy.

India’s current regimen of the BJP government (under the leadership of Prime minister Shri Narendra Modi) is in damage healing and recovering mode by revoking article 370. The job is not over yet and the purpose will not meet till we rehabilitate every Kashmiri Pandit back in their homes in Kashmir with dignity and respect.

The biggest question which is worth asking ourselves is: Did this mass exodus/genocide and massacre of Kashmiri Pandits result from a conflict between two neighboring countries India & Pakistan or there is something beyond our imagination and explanation?

Targeting Kashmiri Hindus (Pandits) and forcing them either or convert to Islam or leave the valley or to die gives bigger clues to the intent of Radical Islamists to achieve their goal of Gazba-e-Hind. If this is true, which I am afraid is, then it’s high time every Indian wakes up else in the coming decades the Kashmir valley incidents will happen in every corner of the country. This is a wake-up call to every Indian against radicalism.

Let me come back to “The Kashmir Files”. The movie throws limelight on some more burning issues as some universities in our country, in the name of free speech, spread hatred against our own country and create polarization of the minds of the youth who then worship the traitors of our nation. It is an eye-opener. Just to fulfill their agendas, some teachers and professors in these universities are brainwashing the youth and encouraging urban terrorism (with tukde tukde and azaadi slogans).

The youth of our country need to know the truth and movies like “The Kashmir Files” will prove as a giant step towards it. Indian history (modern and ancient) has been hidden and needs to be revived and re-explained with facts. Don’t miss the monologue of Darshan Kumar in the last 20 minutes of the movie where he talks about cultural, spiritual, and academic genocide in Kashmir. In his monologue, he talks about why Kashmir was known as the “Cradle of Civilization”. He tells us about Kashyap Rishi (from whose name the term Kashmir is derived), Adi Shankaracharya, Vishnu Sharma (author of Panchtantra), and many more academicians, Scientists, Mathematicians, Artists, Medicine experts and their association with Kashmir. That monologue of Darshan Kumar will make you so proud of Kashmir that your eyes will fill up with tears. I may not be able to write that with the same feeling as to how Darshan Kumar delivered his monologue.

This article of mine will be incomplete without thanking the crew and actors of the film team including Anupam Kher Ji, Mithun Chakraborthy Ji, Puneet Issar Ji, Pallavi Joshi Ji, and others. If you want to know what happened in Kashmir in January of the year 1990, then go and watch “ The Kashmir Files”. It’s my humble request that, watch and absorb the message in this movie. There is a lot to learn and understand what is at stake. If we don’t wake up now it will be very late.

The questions still remain.

When will Kashmiri Pandits get justice?

When we will be able to give them back the respect and honor they deserve?

The whole world knows that genocide happened. But what will it take to convince us that this actually happened?

When will the Government and Supreme court take some actions?

When will the culprits be found and bought to justice?

When will the Masterminds behind this massacre face the power of the Indian judicial system?

When Jaliyanwala Bag happened we were slaves of the British. After that even they could not stay for long and rule India. Why is it taking so long to punish the militants,, politicians, and traitors who hurt and harm our citizens?

Its time we should file a writ petition in the supreme court to fight for our right to justice. With this article, I have taken my first step towards my fellow Kashmiri Pandits today on 18th March 2022 at 12:32 am. My next step will be to reach out to them. If any of the readers of this article connect me to Kashmiri Pandits, then I’ll be grateful to them.


Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi, MD, Medicine.

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